What should my 2013 goal be? (Friday Question Fun)

Friday Question Fun archive

Can you believe this is the final Friday of 2012?  I can’t.

I also can’t believe that – barring some unforeseen circumstance – I was able to watch 300 movies this year. I admire those of you that were able to watch more than I did because keeping a full time job, other hobbies, AND writing for the site has taken a ton of time…and that doesn’t even include finding time to watch movies!

A sincere thank you to everyone that has read anything on my site for your support. I have had a great time writing my thoughts on movies and taking the time to chat with so many wonderful people this year. Now, I have a favor of you to ask.

What should my 2013 movie watching goal be?

If you have any other suggestions for me for next year, please feel free to let me know in the comments section.

Thanks again, everyone!

54 responses to “What should my 2013 goal be? (Friday Question Fun)

  1. I voted “Other” because I think you should watch crappy musicals of the 70s and 80s every month until you go insane.

    It would be very interesting for your mind to come apart on this blog.

    But that’s just me.

    PS: If not this, at least try to have a different goal every month.

  2. I voted all of the IMDB AFI top lists because I think it’d be a great experience for you, and I’d be very interested to hear what you think of some of them. I’m looking forward to what 2013 has in store from you, whatever your goal is 🙂 btw, the check should be in the mail as of right… now 🙂

  3. I kind of like what Cinemablog says however, I think you should watch all movies that start with a certain letter, like all the movies that start with the letter ‘M’ of maybe the letter ‘A’ since it corresponds with your name and then go down through it in alphabetic order and see how many you can watch.

  4. I like the idea of finding a theme each month…gives it some structure without sticking around so long that it burns you out. I tend to do horror in October and documentaries in December each year. It gives me a chance to dust off some stuff that I’d otherwise keep buried down the list of things to watch.

  5. I voted for watching the catalogs of certain directors. I still need to finish the filmography of Stanley Kubrick and a few other directors. I was thinking about once I do finish of a filmography of ranking their films.

  6. I voted for 200 movies you haven’t seen since i didn’t want you to get ahead of my AFI goal–have I mentioned that I’m selfish? Or you could watch a movie from every country. Some of the countries might be hard to track down though.

  7. I’m impressed with your 300 movie year – nice job! I voted watching director’s filmographies, but I bet you’ll want to go down bunny trails from time to time so I’m changing my vote to monthly goals. I did 100 movies in 6 months but no way do I have the time to write on each of them so I salute you. And I enjoy your site.

  8. DON’T go by the IMDB top list. We’ve all seen those films and read about them to death…. fuck them. My suggestion is a different director each month. Doesn’t have to be their entire filmography though.

    • Yeah, that was my problem with doing the top lists. I think I wouldn’t mind the Sight & Sound list since there are some more “forgotten” titles in there.
      I like the different director each month idea, though…

  9. You should watch 1000 movies…no wait, that’s too much. Watch 999 movies, now that’s reasonable. 😛

    I picked watch 200 movies you’ve never seen before. That sounds interesting and is actually a goal I’m thinking of setting for next year.

    • Man, 1000 movies in a year would be quite a challenge….

      I like exposing myself to new films even if they aren’t great. Looks like the majority is siding with monthly goals, but I’m going to work seeing movies I haven’t seen before into that.

  10. Ooh, all great suggestions. I was originally going to opt for the 200 unseen films, then I went for the different goal per month, just cos I thought it sounded intriguing.

    Congratulations on a great blog and for achieving your goal. Here’s to 2013. 🙂

  11. I’ve gone for the ‘200’ as well.

    But I think you should make it an Extreme 200. That is, watch ’em on a portable device at dangerous locations… Like the top of K2. Or suspended above a box full of kittens… I haven’t thought this through properly…

  12. I say see if you can get cooperation from your readers and see if you can influence them like so: get as many people as possible to watch a movie they’ve never seen before using your reviews and get them to notate each and every “first light” in the comments, along with their takes on the films. Or is this what movie bloggers do all the time anyway?! Otherwise I go with the directors catalogues.

  13. I’ve been toying with the Idea of cataloguing works of my favourite Directors myself for my Blog. It feels daunting. So I voted for that option.

    Maybe if you do it… It’ll motivate me to do the same. :p

  14. I would say 200 movies you haven’t seen. It is amazing to be a movie lover and to realize all the ones you haven’t seen. I catch myself all the time going – how have I not seen that already? Good luck and congrats on hitting 300.

    • I love doing that too. I think I have my first few months figured out, and I’d like to do movies I haven’t seen for January so now I just need to catch up and finish my stuff from 2012…

  15. How’s this: take a damn break! You’ve earned it. I’m with PopPeelings on the imdb thing. Plus, Tyson pretty much has that covered. I was thinking about trying the imdb bottom 200 myself. Might be more fun. Why not join me?

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